Strategy Session

This is a judgement-free, hassle-free, no-obligation zoom call to get to know each other a bit. Take a deep dive into what is going on. It gives me a chance to hear more about your situation, specific needs and gives you a chance to see if we'll be a good fit. 

Some would also call this the consultation session. However, the main key you need to know is this is your starting session. 

Here we will take a deep dive into your purpose, your why, and what is currently going on in your life. The we will figure out the best course or path for your journey.

Check in Session

From time to time we need a little extra love. This session is for us to check in on your journey, make sure we are still on the right path to reach our vision. 

Sometimes we may get off a little bit, realigning and staying on our journey takes purposeful actions to stay the course. 

A wise man once said, "If that is you I will walk on the water to come to you." He was told to come, about half way he took his eye off his finish and he fell under water. He had to be picked up and was told, "You with little faith."

Sometimes this will happen before we start our subscription or membership. Other times we are on our journey, and sometimes we just need a check-in after everything to make sure we are still sailing on our journey.

Debt Elimination 1-ON-1 Membership

We want to live a financially free lifestyle forever, we just have to get there first. The real trick is simple....... You must live on less than you make. It's that simple. However, it is easier said than done. Once you are debt free and built these habits it's easy. We just have to get there first. On average working with a coach, we can get you out of debt in about one and a half years. With the same Ganzel attitude, we can get you to be a millionaire in about five to ten years. There was one person that was trying to get out of debt for 6 years with very little traction. Once hiring a coach was able to get out of debt in just over a year. Membership is auto charged monthly, giving you 1-ON-1 access to a personal development coach up to a certain number of sessions.. 

Debt Elimination 1-ON-1 Membership includes:

  1. ~ Starting with you why, vision, monster goal, and smart goal we will set the ground for the legendary elimination of the century.
  2. ~ A shareable goal spreadsheet, to hold you accountable.
  3. ~ Celebrate wins and testimonies with you, even posting in our testimonies playlist ( on our YouTube channel ( to celebrate with you in your wins.
  4. ~ Help with the building a habit of using a plan for your money. This is the same plan that most successful people use. As all successful people have a plan.
  5. ~ Work on building habit to get out of debt and stay out. The trick is, once we get out we don't ever want to go back. So while getting out of debt we want to build habits to never go back
  6. ~ We meet together monthly on zoom or in person. Membership price gives access to the amount of sessions in your membership. Which you are able to adjust as needed, t will adjust the price and will take affect next month.
  7. ~ You can add a one time session at any time you would like. We have Hourly, daily, or weekly when available.
  8. ~ Get exercises and trainings to build habits that will last a lifetime.

Each person is different and we will work together on your journey as I will be here every step of the way. In most cases once we get the plan for your money will be handled through emails. This way we can focus our sessions on changing habits. Sometimes I will hold something for one of our sessions, as it will be a good exercise for working on your habits Simple questions can also be handled through emails. 

For those people in debt, to get out and stay out of debt. Membership is an investment into your personal growth and is auto charged monthly giving you access to Debt Elimination. With Absolute Awaken® you agree to our Coaching Agreement, Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Investing Enlightenment 1-ON-1 Membership

We want to live a financially free lifestyle forever, having enough money to live off the interest for the rest of our life. This is the sweet sauce. We cant trust that the government will let us live a good life in retirement. So after we get out of debt, or have no debt. Then our money really starts to work for us. Starting with being able to be free and not having to worry about every little thing. We also get to start saving and really start making our money work for us. On average working with a coach, we can get you out of debt in about one and a half years. With the same Ganzel attitude, we can get you to be a millionaire in about five to ten years. Membership is auto charged monthly, giving you 1-ON-1 access to a personal development coach up to a certain number of sessions.. 

Investing Enlightenment 1-ON-1 Membership includes:

  1. ~ Starting with you why, vision, monster goal, and smart goal we will set the ground for the legendary investing of the century.
  2. ~ A shareable goal spreadsheet, to hold you accountable.
  3. ~ Celebrate wins and testimonies with you, even posting in our testimonies playlist ( on our YouTube channel ( to celebrate with you in your wins.
  4. ~ Help with the building a habit of using a plan for your money. This is the same plan that most successful people use. As all successful people have a plan.
  5. ~ Work on building habit to stay out of debt and make our money work for us. Special funds and snowball formulas to make powerful impacts.
  6. ~ We meet together monthly on zoom or in person. Membership price gives access to the amount of sessions in your membership. Which you are able to adjust as needed, t will adjust the price and will take affect next month.
  7. ~ You can add a one time session at any time you would like. We have Hourly, daily, or weekly when available.
  8. ~ Get exercises and trainings to build habits that will last a lifetime.

Each person is different and we will work together on your journey as I will be here every step of the way. Investing is something we do in three types (Savings, Investing, and Real Estate). We will work with you on understanding and doing. We also work collaborative with other professionals for a bigger impact. (A financial coach works with your behaviors with money, while a financial advisor works with the behaviors of money.) When you have both professionals working together, you will get more out of your money every step of the way.

For those people out of debt and wants to maximize your money. Membership is an investment into your personal growth and is auto charged monthly giving you access to Investing Enlightenment. With Absolute Awaken® you agree to our Coaching Agreement, Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Coach Transformation 1-ON-1 Membership

Every successful coach has a coach. 1on1 Coaching is for personal habits and developing yourself privately. When in a group, you can learn from others as well. Group will be about everyone in the group, not just one person. This is the biggest difference between group and one-on-one or personal. Membership is auto charged monthly, giving you 1-ON-1 access to a personal development coach up to a certain number of sessions.. 

Coach Transformation 1-ON-1 Membership includes:

  1. ~ Starting with you personal why, vision, monster goal, and smart goal we will set the ground for the legendary coaching business of the century.
  2. ~ A shareable goal spreadsheet, to hold you accountable.
  3. ~ Celebrate wins and testimonies with you, even posting in our testimonies playlist ( on our YouTube channel ( to celebrate with you in your wins.
  4. ~ Working on your business why, purpose, vision, and mission. 
  5. ~ Working with you on all the tools to get you started in your coaching practice. (Booking System, Virtual Meeting Room, Payment Processing System, and Calendar System) 
  6. ~ Practice and become more confident in coaching. In our sessions we will take two coaches to practice and stretch. Then give feedback. When you are the coach you will get the practice and be stretched, when not you can learn from them. In time you will get to practice.
  7. ~ Get exercises and trainings to become more bold in your pricing, deliverance, and your coaching practice.
  8. ~ Working with you on all the tools for your clients in your coaching practice. (~All in One System~ Drip System, Social Media Auto Posting, CRM, and nurture your leads) Remember it's not about the process, it's more about the relationship you will have with them on their journey.
  9. ~ Practice working on your leads in your coaching practice. 
  10. ~ Get exercises and trainings to build more leads for your coaching practice. Learn how to go out and get leads from everywhere and anywhere. 
  11. ~ Get exercises and trainings to build and work with networking professionals and networking events. 
  12. ~ Practice on group coaching, events, and business coaching.
  13. ~ Get exercises on finding and getting groups, events, and businesses for your coaching practice. Learn how to go out and get leads from everywhere and anywhere.
  14. ~ We meet together monthly on zoom or in person. Membership price gives access to the amount of sessions in your membership. Which you are able to adjust as needed, t will adjust the price and will take affect next month.
  15. ~ You can add a one time session at any time you would like. We have Hourly, daily, or weekly when available.
  16. ~ Get exercises on programs, and flow with any type of groups, events, and businesses for your coaching practice.
  17. ~ Get exercises and trainings to build habits that will last a lifetime.

For those coaches wanting a 1-ON-1 personal touch with them on the journey from transformation to transformation. Membership is an investment into your personal growth and is auto charged monthly giving you access to Coach Transformation. With Absolute Awaken® you agree to our Coaching Agreement, Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Business Supercharged Membership

Businesses want to run smooth and profitable. Many times they spend a lot of money training and developing their employees, just to see them leave. Employees are always looking for bigger and better. More benefits & pay, with less work. When there is a toxic environment they will leave faster. With business coaching we work with the business to make it better for everyone involved. Just like with people no two businesses are the same. We love to work with the business and work with them on their journey for best results. Membership is auto charged monthly, giving you access to a personal development coach up to a certain number of sessions on a group or one-on-one bases. Some examples but not complete.


Sections that can be added to a Business Membership includes:

  1. ~ Once a week or once a month host a complementary 30 minutes power lunch meeting. This will be on how to make a plan for your money.
  2. ~ Anyone wanting 1-ON-1 can book at full cost.
  3. ~ Group Coaching on topic chosen from business, business would cover this cost.
  4. ~ Anyone wanting 1-ON-1 can book (Company covers 75%, employee covers 25%) or whatever percentage business wants. The employee has to pay something so there is a buy in. This way they will get more out of it. If just given to them, they won't care to do anything.
  5. ~ Business can also pay for blocks of time. (1/3 to block hours) this will be paid if used or not. Then when it is booked business pays 1/3 and employee pays 1/3 or whatever percentage is agreed on. 
  6. ~ Training group program can also be tailored to meet needs of the business and employees.

This is just some of the things we put together for the business. However, setting with the decision maker and understanding the needs at hand. We will come up with the plan that works with the business more directly. 

For those businesses wanting empowered employees and operations. Tailoring to your specific needs in your business. Membership is an investment into your personal growth and is auto charged monthly giving you access to Business Supercharged. With Absolute Awaken® you agree to our Coaching Agreement, Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Financial Peace University Class (Ramsey Solutions Membership Required)

As a Ramsey Preferred Coach & Coordinator with Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University, I Support, Encourage, and lead our group to help each of us reach the common goal in our own different journey. Membership is through Ramsey Solutions and must have a Ramsey+ or Financial Peace University Membership to be in this class. This class will  give you access to a Ramsey Preferred Coach for 9 weeks. Meeting once a week in a group setting, and allowing you to add any other membership.

Financial Peace University Class requires:

  1. ~ Must have a Ramsey+ or Financial Peace Membership through Ramsey Solutions..
  2. ~ Must be registered for this Financial Peace University Class through Ramsey Solutions account.
  3. ~ You will be required to start with a Financial Snapshot to start and end.
  4. ~ Must watch all the videos. (Virtual will watch on your own) (Live will watch in class)

Financial Peace University Class includes:

  1. ~Training on the proven system that gets you out of debt, saves money, and invest you money.
  2. ~ Celebrate wins and testimonies with you, even posting in our testimonies playlist ( on our YouTube channel ( to celebrate with you in your wins.
  3. ~ Weekly discussions in a group setting that will help show you other peoples perspectives on different areas.
  4. ~Can add one-on-one sessions with a Ramsey Preferred Coach to work a more personal plan for your success. 

For those people in debt or out of debt that wants to learn how to maximize their money. This will give them the knowledge, which is 20% success. The other 80% is the action or doing. (you will find in our coaching memberships) This membership is Paid to Ramsey Solutions, we host the class. With Absolute Awaken® you agree to our Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Financial Peace University Class 2024c6 (Live) → Monday @ 6pm Central Time in Office

Single Accountability Group Membership

Everyone needs an accountability partner in many areas of their life. When you hire a coach, they are your accountability partner for getting that victory, goal, price, or thing you are going after. With a plan for your money it's important to have an accountability partner. A checks and balance system must be in place to protect the whole plan. Without it, there is nothing stopping us spending way to much when something comes up or happens. When you are married, you have an automatic accountability partner with your plan for your money. With that being said, this group is for the single people to give them an accountability partner. As you don't want to share your finances with your girlfriend, until you get married. You can share the information sometimes, but not fully in until you are married. Membership is auto charged monthly, giving you access to a personal development coach up to a certain number of sessions in a group.

Plan for you money Single Accountability Group Membership requires:

  1. ~ Must graduate from a financial Peace University Class ran by Absolute Awaken®.
  2. ~ Must be single, and not here to find someone.
  3. ~ Must have a plan for your money and need an accountability partner.

Plan for you money Single Accountability Group Membership includes:

~ Practice and become more confident in coaching. In our sessions we will take two coaches to practice and stretch. Then give feedback. When you are the coach you will get the practice and be stretched, when not you can learn from them. In time you will get to practice.

  1. ~ A shareable goal spreadsheet, to hold you accountable.
  2. ~ Celebrate wins and testimonies with you, even posting in our testimonies playlist ( on our YouTube channel ( to celebrate with you in your wins.
  3. ~ Help with the programs that would be best for you to start using and training on how to use them. Trainings are located in our training playlist ( on our YouTube Channel ( New trainings posted as we get them.
  4. ~ We meet together 2 times monthly on zoom, which you can come to the office to join. The last Wednesday of the month will be our plan for the money meeting. 24 hours before this meeting you need to submit your completed plan for your money. This will not be shared in the group in detail. We will only make a change in the group, and answer any questions on your plan. The the 2nd Wednesday of the month we will meet together for a check in session to make sure things are still going on, or if we need to make any changes. You must submit a check in form with any areas of struggles. Along with a current plan for your money and where you are currently standing on that plan.
  5. ~ Help with the building a habit of using a plan for your money. This is the same plan that most successful people use. As all successful people have a plan for their money. Work on building habit to get out of debt and stay out. The trick is, once we get out we don't ever want to go back. So while getting out of debt we want to build habits to never go back. 
  6. ~ Each person is different and we will work together on your journey as I will be here every step of the way. All plans for your money and simple questions will be handled through email. Sometimes you will need more personal one-on-one time then in the group. You can add one time or regular one-on-one memberships to this membership as well.
  7. ~ Get exercises and trainings to build habits that will last a lifetime.

For those single people needing an accountability partner with their plan for the money. Membership is an investment into your personal growth and is auto charged monthly giving you access to Single Accountability Group. With Absolute Awaken® you agree to our Coaching Agreement, Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Beginner Coach Group Membership

Every successful coach has a coach. 1on1 Coaching is for personal habits and developing yourself privately. When in a group, you can learn from others as well. Group will be about everyone in the group, not just one person. This is the biggest difference between group and one-on-one or personal. Membership is auto charged monthly, giving you access to a personal development coach up to a certain number of sessions in a group.

Beginner Coach Group Membership includes:

  1. ~ A shareable goal spreadsheet, to hold you accountable.
  2. ~ Celebrate wins and testimonies with you, even posting in our testimonies playlist ( on our YouTube channel ( to celebrate with you in your wins.
  3. ~ Help with the programs that would be best for you to start using and training on how to use them. Trainings are located in our training playlist ( on our YouTube Channel ( New trainings posted as we get them.
  4. ~ You will also get a copy of the notes of all sessions you are apart of.
  5. ~ We meet together 2 times monthly on zoom, which you can come to the office to join. On the 1st and 3rd Friday at 1pm (13:00) Central Time Zone.
  6. ~ Practice and become more confident in coaching. In our sessions we will take two coaches to practice and stretch. Then give feedback. When you are the coach you will get the practice and be stretched, when not you can learn from them. In time you will get to practice.
  7. ~ Get exercises and trainings to become more bold in your pricing, deliverance, and your coaching practice.
  8. ~ Working on your WHY, purpose, vision, and mission. Giving you all the tools to get you started in your coaching practice.
  9. ~ 1/2 of the price for single 1-ON-1 coaching sessions , when you want a more personal touch.

For those coaches starting out, building confidence and boldness. Membership is an investment into your personal growth and is auto charged monthly giving you access to Beginner Coach Group. With Absolute Awaken® you agree to our Coaching Agreement, Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Intermediate Coach Group Membership

Every successful coach has a coach. 1on1 Coaching is for personal habits and developing yourself privately. When in a group, you can learn from others as well. Group will be about everyone in the group, not just one person. This is the biggest difference between group and one-on-one or personal. Membership is auto charged monthly, giving you access to a personal development coach up to a certain number of sessions in a group.

Intermediate Coach Group Membership includes:

  1. ~ A shareable goal spreadsheet, to hold you accountable.
  2. ~ Celebrate wins and testimonies with you, even posting in our testimonies playlist ( on our YouTube channel ( to celebrate with you in your wins.
  3. ~ Help with the programs that would be best for you to start using and training on how to use them. Trainings are located in our training playlist ( on our YouTube Channel ( New trainings posted as we get them.
  4. ~ You will also get a copy of the notes of all sessions you are apart of.
  5. ~ We meet together 2 times monthly on zoom, which you can come to the office to join. On the 2nd and 4th Friday at 1pm (13:00) Central Time Zone.
  6. ~ Practice working on your leads in your coaching practice. In our sessions we will take two coaches to practice working the leads you are getting. Then give feedback. When you are the coach you will get the practice and be stretched, when not you can learn from them. In time you will get to practice.
  7. ~ Get exercises and trainings to build more leads for your coaching practice. Learn how to go out and get leads from everywhere and anywhere.
  8. ~ Working on your process system, nurture your leads, and never giving up on your leads. Giving you all the tools to keep working on your leads till they sign up. Remember it's not about the process, it's more about the relationship you will have with them on their journey.
  9. ~ 1/2 of the price for single 1-ON-1 coaching sessions , when you want a more personal touch.

For those coaches building and working with leads. Membership is an investment into your personal growth and is auto charged monthly giving you access to Intermediate Coach Group. With Absolute Awaken® you agree to our Coaching Agreement, Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Advance Coach Group Membership

Every successful coach has a coach. 1on1 Coaching is for personal habits and developing yourself privately. When in a group, you can learn from others as well. Group will be about everyone in the group, not just one person. This is the biggest difference between group and one-on-one or personal. Membership is auto charged monthly, giving you access to a personal development coach up to a certain number of sessions in a group.

Advanced Coach Group Membership includes: ~~~~Coming Soon~~~~


  1. ~ A shareable goal spreadsheet, to hold you accountable.
  2. ~ Celebrate wins and testimonies with you, even posting in our testimonies playlist ( on our YouTube channel ( to celebrate with you in your wins.
  3. ~ Help with the programs that would be best for you to start using and training on how to use them. Trainings are located in our training playlist ( on our YouTube Channel ( New trainings posted as we get them.
  4. ~ You will also get a copy of the notes of all sessions you are apart of.
  5. ~ We meet together 2 times monthly on zoom, which you can come to the office to join.~~~~Coming Soon~~~~
  6. ~ Practice working with groups in your coaching practice. In our sessions we will take two coaches to practice working on groups. Groups will be group coaching like this, working different events, and working with businesses. Then give feedback. When you are the coach you will get the practice and be stretched, when not you can learn from them. In time you will get to practice.
  7. ~ Get exercises on finding and getting groups, events, and businesses for your coaching practice. Learn how to go out and get leads from everywhere and anywhere.
  8. ~ Working on your process system, programs, and flow with any type of groups, events, and businesses for your coaching practice. Giving you all the tools to get and keep your group, event, or businesses going. Remember it's not about the process, it's more about the relationship you will have with them on their journey.
  9. ~ 1/2 of the price for single 1-ON-1 coaching sessions , when you want a more personal touch.

For those coaches building and working with groups, events, and businesses. Membership is an investment into your personal growth and is auto charged monthly giving you access to Advance Coach Group. With Absolute Awaken® you agree to our Coaching Agreement, Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy.